Crew built greenhouse from scraps

While clearing vines from the back fence, enough lumber was discovered to build a small 4X8 foot green house structure. The foundation is cinder blocks and large beams. The floor was a sheet of plywood cut into planks. After a recent field trip to Tuck Taylor’s home we discovered clear tarp which we ordered and […]
Linda and Warren attended a seminar at the Center For Non Profit Management
The name of the seminar was Setting the Right Course: Planning Strategies for Dynamic Times, it was held on two Tuesdays and they brought back many tools and ideas to help GWA get it’s legs. Linda, it turned out, used to work at the Center For Non Profit Management several years ago and helped establish […]
Thank you Howard Lichtman

GWA loves the Site Drawings you had done for us. They will soon be used to get a permit from Culver City. This retaining wall will be built using broken concrete slabs and create a beautiful ECO way to level the front yard for an orchard. GWA now has a bank account and is working […]
Greener Way Associates, Inc.

Greener Way Associates, Inc. is officially incorporated as a non-profit educational corporation.
The Retaining Wall
The broken concrete for building the retaining wall has been delivered and sorting the large slabs from the small has begun. A conceptual drawing and any other requirements by the City are in the works. This retaining wall will level the front yard in preparation of planting an orchard. GWA now have a couple of […]
Greener Way Associates, Inc.
The paperwork has finally been completed and submitted for non-profit status in the state of California. In a month or so when the paper work is all signed off a bank account will be formed and Greener Way Associates will be in business. Once it is official GWA will be adding a corporate page with […]
GWA Organization
The name of any organization is always important for many reasons. Even the acronyms that the name creates has an effect. Greener Way Associates GWA is the overall name that nay work best for, obviously a name must be chosen before incorporation. will be GWA’s web presence name because it so clearly describes the […]
Incorporation Progress
Well as you can see by the date it has been a while since I posted any status or progress. It should be noted that while everything posted here reflects current ideas and potential plans, those plans are constantly maturing and sometimes rethinking organizational and preparatory plans becomes necessary. An example of this was in […]
Startup Work
Even before accepting the first group of youth there are a few things to be done in preparation. Plans to erect a green house and build a new tiered fence in the front yard among other things. The green house will allow seeds to sprout in a protected environment rather than buying the more expensive […]
Getting Ready for 2011
Dr. De Benedittise envisioned using her home as a show case of efficiency and her yard as a community garden that together will demonstrate the beauty and benefits of home gardening. To that end she not only wants her home to be a model but also to be a class room. Suzanne or Suzie, as […]