Fruit Trees
Under the direction of Pieter Severynen and with the help of Fab and Warren; nine fruit trees are now growing
Urban residential rain water catchment installation
GWA members are working on — Urban residential rain water catchment installation — Learning Module to both educate youth and save water

Matthew Sloane
Matthew Sloane is a student of authenticity in the context of business. He is a Co-Founder and the Chief Content

GWA is officially a 501(c)(3)
GWA received a letter from the IRS informing us that our 501(c)(3) application was accepted and we officially now have
John Swanson
John Swanson’s silk screen Psalm 85 was unveiled at the Dedication of Suzanne De Benedittis’ Residence & Garden Summer Solstice Celebration &
Fruit Trees
The first order of fruit trees has arrived. All the effort to level the front yard and prepare the soil
California tax exempt
GWA has filled and received a tax exempt status from the state of California. Not the same as 501(c)3 but
GWA has filled for 501(c)3 status. There was a lot of paperwork and budget considerations which took much more time

Pieter Severynen
Los Angeles-based Landscape Architect and Consulting Arborist, principal of Pieter Severynen Associates, serving homeowners, commercial and institutional clients in the Western United
Board Meeting
Warren Montague nominated and elected as board member of GWA 2013. Amy Montague nominated and elected as board member of

Fruit Trees
The retaining wall is finished and David King has walked the front yard suggesting where to plant 12 fruit trees.

Water Management and Sustainability
Warren & Linda are attending a LA Southwest College seminar series given by Dr. Alistaire Callender for the next four