The paperwork has finally been completed and submitted for non-profit status in the state of California.  In a month or so when the paper work is all signed off a bank account will be formed and Greener Way Associates will be in business.

Once it is official GWA will be adding a corporate page with the complete structure and meeting minutes.  As a non-profit GWA is a public corporation and will make available all records for public viewing by clicking here .

Greener Way Associates, Inc. will be the umbrella name for various programs that GWA wants to make available to everyone.  Some of the projects will have names like Rock Soup,The Urban Winners Group and other descriptive name depicting the scope of each.  GWA will teach gardening, craftsmanship, cooking and ECO living to name just a few.

Brandy and Suzanne are hard at work making co-operative adventures with various groups around Culver City and as these projects take form they will be reported here. 

Warren is pushing forward with the front yard to prepare it for fruit trees. And continues work on computer and internet learning center.